People Writing Poems


live. online. 6 week course

                                                     ~ Poetry is not a luxury.  Audre Lorde


 Monday Eves, 6-8 MST

People Writing Poems pauses for a breath…

Join us here instead:

Small Stories (for various sized) People:

and here:

People Writing Through Spring:



 Six week session $225.

Single Class $40.


Writing poems is a way to sort out your moving days. Writing allows you to access personal rhythms, images, your voice and be touched by the poem itself. In return, the poem influences your mornings, afternoons, nights.

In this writing group each week you’ll receive prompts and write. You’ll share last week’s writing (or current project). You’ll read poets who write in different forms, leaning toward women writers, poets of color, and poets who stir your heart.

This poetry writing workshop is a gentle way to celebrate and share writing.  The group can serve as sanctuary in these, our times.


~ read poetry (and be read to)

~ write poems as a practice

~ journey poems, list poems, small poems, place poems, found poems, haiku, hybrid, writing without looking. . .

~ weekly written editing & feedback about your poems

~ weekly poetry writing assignments

~ share your work

~ receive personal suggestions about poets and forms

~ see the worlds through a poet’s eye

~ bloom creativity

~ join friends in making stuff up

In this class you’ll receive private handwritten individual feedback about your weekly poems mailed to you from Katharine.




Send directly through your paypal account or write Katharine to reserve your spot.
Class payment options below.

Class options

Katharine facilitates her classes with passion and generosity, finding the delicate balance between offering expertise while encouraging self-discovery, experimentation, and new awareness of forms, techniques, wonderfully endless possibilities.

Peg Posnick

Movement artist

Typically, I write about the same topics for cathartic release, but prompted writing supplemented by incredibly interesting readings helps me grow outside of self-imposed restrictions. Being able to grow in such a safe space, which is the atmosphere both Katharine and my newly found friends always create, allows for a lot more transference and trust in the skill sets I develop as both a writer and a reader. As a teacher of academic writing, also, I find that participating in places where writing can breathe and bend and expand is crucial to my ability to help my students break genre barriers, allowing for more permeable and pliable forms of communication across disciplines and subjectivities.

Alyssa Canepa

Writing teacher, LeaRN, University of Wyomin

Katharine chooses poems that provoke and galvanize to discuss and inspire; she’s a thoughtful, brilliant curator. The class also provides a community of like- minded language lovers, who in a zoom salon atmosphere, can together discuss what feels most alive in the poems we analyze. The feedback, suggestions, support and encouragement that Katharine gives to each submitted poem feels as if one’s most private self was being lovingly witnessed.

Elizabeth Marglin

Journalist and author