Yoga Offerings

Yoga Classes Live, Online (MST)
Thursday morning Yoga 8:45-9:45.
January Classes. Jan 2,9,16,23, 30
February Classes. Feb 6,13, 27
Register first. I’ll send you a zoom code.
Practicing Yoga helps diminish pain and stress, offering both an intimate experience and bigger perspective by increasing awareness, resilience, balance, and well being. Stretch, strengthen, breathe. Feel free, healthy, whole and good. Open levels.
Join us live, through the atmosphere, Thursday mornings.
$13.50 each class. Sign up for as many as you’d like.
(It’s easy!)
Sunday Morning Yoga in Person!
at Lashley Street Station –beehive room– in Longmont
Register for Sunday Morning Yoga.
You are invited to join us Sunday mornings for Yoga! From the first morning you’ll sense a difference in your flexibility, strength, integration, and sense of ease. Allow your nervous system to relax. You’ll practice gentle lying, sitting and standing sequences following your breath. Sunday morning Yoga offers an intimate experience and bigger perspective by honing awareness, connecting body & mind. Consistent practice can help heal pain, especially due to over-use and stress. Feel free, healthy, whole, and good.
The beehive room in Lashley street station is a gorgeous clean and bright dance studio with wood floor and garage type glass doors (that can open to the outside).
Mixed Levels.
Bring your personal mat, blocks and firm blanket, if you have them. There are also mats and blankets and blocks and bolsters to share at the studio.
Monthly session and drop in classes available.
Lashley Street Station, 1200 Lashley St., Longmont, CO.~