by Katharine Kaufman | Oct 26, 2021 | today
First there is a landing. Then a letting go. Then curiosity about what happens next. You wake up. Somebody has made you breakfast. You go into the beautiful studio, and lie your mat down and you lie down on your mat. Maybe you need a chair. Maybe you’re...
by Katharine Kaufman | Oct 26, 2021 | today
After sitting meditation Wednesday, I talk to Chuck, in Pueblo, on Zoom. “I’m getting the staples removed(again)from my leg tomorrow.” Last year they put in the plate and screws. Two weeks ago Dr. Chaus took out the plate and the screws. The staples will be out...
by Katharine Kaufman | Jun 22, 2021 | today
We walk from the dining hall up the path, through aspens, and field. We walk alone or in groups of two or three. And onto the road, up into the pines and the indoor/outdoor pavilion. If it’s raining and cool, we walk beyond the pavilion to the lodge. We find our...
by Katharine Kaufman | Jun 8, 2021 | today
Polly goes upstairs for a nap, falls asleep and wakes fuzzy; thinks someone’s stealing her little dog, the dearest thing to her. Puts the dog, Max, in the closet, calls 911 and they all come. Firetrucks, police. The sheriff calls me on her phone, “I want to verify...
by Katharine Kaufman | Mar 19, 2021 | today
This weekend, preparing for Small Stories (for various sized) People class I thought: That which is broken, disfigured, ruined, can’t stop there. We’ve been reading pieces that are fractured and fragmented, about trauma. And we’re in this time of difficulty. But then...